Congregational Singing (Winter 2025)
This course will survey the practice of congregational singing as exhibited in both Jewish and Christian liturgy beginning with ancient history to the present day. First, there will be an examination of group singing in both Testaments, and what commands exist. This will lead to understanding the role of choirs, instruments and praise in scripture. Second, we will discuss basic musical forms and their use in worship practices. With this basis we will do an assessment of congregational singing in history, from the early church through to contemporary use. Thirdly, we will review current practices in local congregations and discuss the considerations for constructing a service with a focus on congregational singing. Fourth, we will discuss music and its relationship to emotions, and what our music says about our theology of worship. Finally, there will be a project to design service orders that demonstrate a thoughtful liturgy of congregational singing coupled with the other Biblical elements of worship.
- Profesor: Philip Webb
OTS 108 - Survey of Minor Prophets
The last twelve books of the Old Testament, known as the Minor Prophets, are short, mysterious, and judgmental. Despite their brevity, they contain profound theological insights.
"The proper way to describe these books impact on me is to say that they dramatize the character of God as few other books do.” -James Montgomery Boice
In this survey class, students will gain a deep understanding of the major themes, places, characters, and divine messages of the Old Testament. This class is part of our series that takes students through the entire Old Testament.
- Profesor: Caleb Cunningham
CB101 Consejería Bíblica Nivel 1: Introducción (Primavera 2025)
Este curso abarca temas como la base teológica para aconsejar o discipular, la relación entre los aspectos físicos y espirituales, una comparación entre modelos de consejería, el proceso bíblico del cambio, la adoración de corazón, los elementos clave en el proceso de consejería y cómo manejar las crisis.
Fechas: Los lunes, 13 de enero–14 de abril, 6:30–8:30 pm (12 semanas, no hay clase 2/03, 3/03)
Salón: T370 Center, Zoom
- Profesor: Manuel Herrera
CB301 Consejería Bíblica Nivel 3: Temas avanzados (Otoño 2024)
Este curso está diseñado para aquellos que desean obtener una comprensión más profunda de la consejería bíblica. Los temas cubiertos incluyen la ira, la ansiedad, el miedo, la depresión, problemas médicos, trastornos del aprendizaje, y otros temas y situaciones específicas. Se discutirán estudios de casos prácticos.
- Profesor: Manuel Herrera