Here is where you enroll yourself in the course with the Enrollment key provided in your registration email.

NTS 101 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and John (Spring 2025)

The Gospels, taken together, weave a complete portrait of the God-Man, Jesus of Nazareth. In Him were blended perfect humanity and deity, making Him the only sacrifice for the sins of the world, and the worthy Lord of those who believe.

In this survey class, the student will gain a deep understanding of the major themes, places, characters, and divine messages of these books. The function and purpose of the New Testament is critical in building a complete biblical understanding. This survey class is part of our series designed to take students through the entire New Testament. 

DC102 Discipleship Counseling 2 (Spring 2025)

This course covers topics such as the definition of discipleship/counseling, the theological basis of discipleship/counseling, the essentials for the discipler/counselor, a comparison of counseling philosophies, the biblical process of change, heart worship, guilt, the key elements of the counseling process, and handling crisis situations. Case studies will be discussed.

Congregational Singing (Winter 2025)

This course will survey the practice of congregational singing as exhibited in both Jewish and Christian liturgy beginning with ancient history to the present day. First, there will be an examination of group singing in both Testaments, and what commands exist. This will lead to understanding the role of choirs, instruments and praise in scripture. Second, we will discuss basic musical forms and their use in worship practices.  With this basis we will do an assessment of congregational singing in history, from the early church through to contemporary use.  Thirdly, we will review current practices in local congregations and discuss the considerations for constructing a service with a focus on congregational singing.  Fourth, we will discuss music and its relationship to emotions, and what our music says about our theology of worship. Finally, there will be a project to design service orders that demonstrate a thoughtful liturgy of congregational singing coupled with the other Biblical elements of worship.

CB101  Consejería Bíblica Nivel 1: Introducción (Primavera 2025)

Este curso abarca temas como la base teológica para aconsejar o discipular, la relación entre los aspectos físicos y espirituales, una comparación entre modelos de consejería, el proceso bíblico del cambio, la adoración de corazón, los elementos clave en el proceso de consejería y cómo manejar las crisis.

Fechas: Los lunes, 13 de enero–14 de abril, 6:30–8:30 pm (12 semanas, no hay clase 2/03, 3/03)

Salón: T370 Center, Zoom

LBH101 Learn Biblical Greek, Level 1 (Spring 2025)

This course introduces students to Ancient Greek grammar and syntax, equipping them to read the Bible devotionally and exegetically in its original languages. 

By the end of the three-part series, students will translate standard Biblical Greek verses with a lexicon. 

The first part covers Ancient Greek phonology, morphology, and a partial introduction to the verb system.

LBH101 Learn Biblical Hebrew, Level 1 (Spring 2025)

Learn Biblical Hebrew course series introduces students to the fundamentals of Biblical Hebrew grammar and syntax with the goal of equipping them to read the Bible devotionally and exegetically in its original languages.

This is the first course of a three-part course series. By the end, students will be able to translate standard Biblical Hebrew verses with the aid of a lexicon. The first part of this grammar course will cover the basics of Biblical Hebrew phonology and morphology, with a partial introduction to the verb system.